What does revenue really mean in business?

WTF IS REVENUE 💰 and what do people really mean when they say they run a multi-whatever dollar business?

Last night I did a happy dance for hitting my annual revenue goal early (meaning yet again I was thinking “too small” lol). I disclosed the number to my close friends and then followed up with explaining what I mean when I say revenue.

Revenue is the amount of income generated through your business, while profit is how much remains after accounting for your expenses and operating costs.

While it is nice to celebrate bringing in a big number through my work and leadership, I also like being transparent that it doesn’t mean I get to see it all sitting in MY personal bank account. That would defeat the purpose of building a BUSINESS.

Through more revenue I’m able to:

💰 Hire a team and pay them a fair, liveable wage
💰 Invest in systems and tools that empower my clients & support biz relationships
💰 Create more space for creative thinking and new ways to engage with my community
💰 Keeping my commitment of donating a % of my profit to organizations that make social impact
💰 Showing another Latin@ that this is possible for them, and more
💰 And making more freedom for myself as I continue to scale and grow what once was just “the side hustle”

So cheers to this big financial win — which I couldn’t do without a team, friends & family’s support — that will now translate into more wins for my community and the spaces @influencewithimpact touches.

Will you promise me to dream a little bigger this week? Give me a YES if you’re in 👇
