How to deal with imposter syndrome

REALITY CHECK: no matter how much mindset work you do to “ignore the numbers” or “shut off imposter syndrome,” there will still be times you feel like SH*T on here.

This week, @jera.bean invited me to THE SALOON and we had a beautiful conversation on this topic — so they challenged me to turn into a message for you 😜 #ThatsContent

Here’s the thing…instead of forcing yourself to learn how to stop experiencing these feelings and become immune to them, I want you to HONOR them and build a RECOVERY TOOLKIT.

This was a big “aha” moment for me in my personal mindset work. I was finding myself so frustrated that I was still experiencing things like anxiety over numbers, comparison, not feeling food or smart enough, etc. “Am I not doing enough of the ~work~ in myself?” I asked. “Am I not identified the real triggers and root cause of my feelings?”

That type of work takes a LIFETIME to unravel. It just wasn’t going to come to me at the speed I thought it would. And every negative feeling left untreated set me back 10 steps in my growth journey.

So I realized: I had to learn how to mitigate the icky feelings and build my own recovery toolkit. A list of actions, affirmations and steps to get me past a challenging moment.

This doesn’t take away from me finding a long-term solution and truly healing the root of all the things I’m feeling — shoot, my recovery time is laser speed these days — but it helped me get UNSTUCK so that these negative feelings didn’t take up space in my life, business and community.

Here’s an example for my IMPOSTER SYNDROME (aka: all things — I “must not be qualified enough”):

💫 I vent about it to my friends because I need to speak my feelings into existence
💫 I dance it out or go for a walk because movement shakes up my energy
💫 I take tactical steps on a platform to either avoid seeing triggering content or people (ah, the mute, block and unfollow button)
💫 I pull out my “all the reasons I’m awesome” journal and hype myself up
💫 And I affirm that I am exactly where I’m supposed to be, and enough for the people and things that are meant to find their way to me

Does this resonate? What helps you heal through an icky moment? 👇
