Secret to Building a Strong Community
Want to know the real secret sauce to building a strong community online? YOU 🌟
Trust me, I was the first to eye roll at the generic *be yourself* advice for growing a social platform. But there’s some truth to that, now let me give you some practical advice.
Your STORY truly is your super power, but often times we don’t spend enough time exploring it and connecting the dots.
Here’s what I want you to do:
⭐️ Take 10 minutes to brain dump the story of your life, including the hardest and most magical milestones.
⭐️ Go back and highlight moments where things really changed for you, or moments that really impacted you.
⭐️ Now look at the mission or focus of your platform. Ask yourself — why is this actually important to me?
⭐️ Compare your notes and reflect on what connects both your personal story and the transformation you want to make online. THAT is special. I want you to use that both to strengthen your personal brand & as a signature story you retell to your community.
Watch, I’ll go first (in a simplified version):
~ A transformative point in my life was going globally viral online for opening up about something very vulnerable. It was effin SCARY.
~ I am on a mission to help people find their influence, build a business, and make social media a more human space.
~ In reflection, I realized what connects the dots between this life experience and my mission…is this need for people to feel SEEN AND HEARD.
~ My story was “viral” because millions of people saw themselves or their thoughts in it
~ My mission is important to me because it empowers creators, influencers and people of Influence to create content that helps people feel seen and heard, and people actually connect with
This is my drive, this is why I do what I do. And my story further amplifies it.
This is just one example, but I bet you have thousands of stories and connections waiting to be uncovered.