Know Your Ideal Follower
STOP trying to ~hack the algorithm~ and start understanding people!!!
I get it, you want to grow, optimize your experience, so you’re looking for all the ways you can figure out this big ol’ machine to work in your favor.
The best place to invest your time is in figuring out who the heck you want to be talking to.
👋🏼 Know their personal labels
👋🏼 Think about what frustrates them, know what brings them joy
👋🏼 Explore their routines, and where they need support
👋🏼 Understand their relationship with your platform niche/focus
Truly, write out their story and start speaking to what’s valuable and relevant to them.
You’ll build a closer relationship with the right people, they interact more, the algorithm reads these signals, and bam you didn’t just “beat” the algorithm you’re building a COMMUNITY.
Bonus Tip: building a community moves your focus away from “numbers” and more toward being excited to hear from the humans behind the screen
I want to HEAR FROM YOU: who is your platform made for (in a few words)?