Why investing in yourself is important

Unpopular opinion: you can basically Google ANYTHING 😜

But, the difference between people who “Google” or are constantly chasing quick, free answers VS. the people who invest TIME or MONEY into their transformation… is that the people who INVEST see a faster, more sustainable result.

Investing in my ongoing education & personal development has helped me become a better Coach, business owner, and sure as heck PERSON.

The investment you’re making is not only toward the person you’re hiring, but also yourself. It lights a fire in your heart that ultimately takes you to the next level.

And I know that’s what you’ll find, too.

Transparency note: I have the financial privilege at this stage of my life to invest money into coaches, masterminds, etc., but investing TIME is just as powerful when you do it with intention.

Comment the name of a coach, community, mentor, program, etc. that helped TRANSFORM YOU 👇

Check out the conversation via this post on Instagram.