6 Common Influencer Mistakes

RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU’VE DONE ONE OF THESE 🙋🏻‍♀️ I’ve done 100% of these since starting my platform in 2013, so you’re not alone!

How do these “mistakes” hurt your platform?

1. Engagement Pods: while your numbers may look nice on the outside (vanity) you’re not actually building community so it hurts the long-term viability of your platform. Is it real Influence if people are required to comment on your posts, and not doing it because they’re truly interested?

2. Follow/unfollow: this level of repeat, mass activity triggers signals that you may be a “bot” which is a quick route to getting your account flagged or banned.

3. Undercharging not only hurts your bank account, but if you ask me it reinforces a lower sense of worth in & outside of your biz, AND it contributes to undercompensating other Creators across the industry.

4. Luxury handbag giveaways (and other spammy ones) are not only building an inauthentic community (that likely cares about winning stuff, not you) it’s now also a quick path to getting your account flagged for community guidelines violations.

5. Not having a clear mission or ideal follower likely means you’re creating without intention, which means it’s going to take longer to build community, strong engagement, and growth. People want to know what they’re on your platform for — and they’re looking for that connection!

6. And this one… waiting for things to be “perfect” before getting started? It’s holding you back from draft 1, which is followed by draft 2, 3 and eventually the totally bada** premium version of you that you’re looking for. No one has it figured out from day 1!

This is exactly what I built my business coaching programs for influencers around — so that you don’t have to make these mistakes, or feel like there’s no way to move forward from the ones you already made!

Now I told you, I’ve done all of these at some point. WHICH ONES DID YOU?!