Being an Influencer IS a Job

The most common *troll* comment I receive is: “GET A REAL JOB!!!”

Uhh myself and the IRS would disagree with you. This is as real as it gets, despite how unconventional the job description is.

But the reality is that “Influencer” is NOT the actual job title.

It’s a combination of:

🎥 Producer & Editor
📸 Videographer & Photographer
✏️ Creative Director
💭 Social Media Strategist
🫂 Community Manager
💥 Marketing Consultant
📱 All things HQ if you’re doing it alone (operations, HR, accounting)
💰 And many have multiple revenue streams to generate multi-six-figure numbers with activity beyond brand campaigns (that’s my story!)

What you see on social media is just one speck in the big picture that is being in the business of influence.

So…may I recommend you just take ownership of the word “CEO” 😉

Drop me a HECK YES here if you’re proud of being a digital CEO!!!