Content Planning Needs
If you’re struggling to come up with ~what to post~ it’s likely not a creativity problem, it’s a strategy problem.
By clearly giving yourself guardrails on different macro-topics you like to create around, and defining who your message is meant for, the process of thinking about WHAT TO SAY becomes so much more seamless. One hour of brainstorming and planning turns into months of content possibilities.
This is one of the first things I work on with the people in my programs, and often times it’s the biggest breakthrough they needed clarity on to get back in the content creation flow.
What are you struggling with? Let me know!
PS: if you think a lil’ strategy session is all you need, message me “POWER HOUR” and I’ll shoot you some details on my mini sessions where I can support you with this.
PSS: Here’s an additional tip from my reel!