Struggling to Get Brand Deals as an Influencer? Here's Why!

One of the most frequent questions I get is why you’re not getting brand deals and my most frequent answer to that is that your platform isn’t clear enough for brands to:

a) find you and

b) understand what you do and who you serve.

Think about it: Influencer MARKETING — you are a vessel for the brand to get their message seen and heard by their target demographic. They’ll want to work with people who align with their values & reach the people they are looking to speak to.

Plus, when you have clarity on who you are you’re able to more closely align different brands and campaigns to your own platform values.

Before worrying about the follower count, perfect pitch, or media kit (psst: I have free templates for both over at @influencewithimpact)...spend more time workshopping who you are as a personal brand and really identifying who you serve.

When you get your answers, make sure people can understand that within a few seconds of visiting your social platforms and make it clear to the brand when you’re proactively reaching out.

